During my second year in college, my best friend and I pooled together our resources and rented a tiny two bedroom apartment near our college. We were both the friendly kind, so it was unavoidable that we'd have people seeking refuge in our place from time-to-time, hence we decided it would be a good idea to get an air mattress as a 'guest bed'. 

For a few days, the dining table was littered with air mattress reviews. As "economic" being the key word, we only had a few choices. But unfortunately, we were both perfectionists and wanted to get something that was cheap yet comfortable and easy to keep as well, among other things. We also needed something that wasn't too small; as an extra step towards planning for a rainy day. 

After a lot of deliberation and a much cluttered dining table, we finally found the perfect purchase. At the end of the day, it was a good thing we planned for a rainy day, for our apartment soon after that became a 24-hour 'hotel' for our friends.

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